Hisnul Muslim - حصن المسلم

by Pak Appz

Books & Reference


مطابق تماماً للكتاب من حيث محتوى الصفحة الواحدة وترقيم الصفحات ونوع الخطإمكانية تصفح الكتاب بدون الا...

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مطابق تماماً للكتاب من حيث محتوى الصفحة الواحدة وترقيم الصفحات ونوع الخطإمكانية تصفح الكتاب بدون الاتصال بالانترنتإمكانية حفظ علامة عند صفحة معينة و الرجوع إليها لاحقاًيحافظ البرنامج على وضع الشاشة المضاءة لمن أراد الاستمرار بالقراءة لفترة طويلةفي حال إغلاق البرنامج عند صفحة معينة و فتحه مرة أخرى سيذهب تلقائياً الى الصفحة التي تم الإغلاق عندهافهرس يسهل الوصول لمحتويات الكتابخط واضح وإمكانية القراءة بالوضعين الأفقي والشاقوليFortress Of The Muslim (Hisn Almuslim Azkar & Doaa) contains a lot of azkar that muslim needs in his day and in dealing with people.Hisnul Muslim Supplications and duasThe Fortress of the MuslimIslamic Prayer and supplicationFind all duas from the sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh), download the dua from Fortress of the Muslims invocation from the Quran and Sunnah. Islamic prayer and supplications are those that can be used to ask Allah (swt) to grant you good in this world and the here after. Download the entire duas from here.Dua for:When waking upSupplication when wearing a garmentSupplication said when wearing a new garmentSupplication said to someone wearing a new garmentBefore undressingBefore entering the toiletAfter leaving the toiletWhen starting ablutionUpon completing the ablutionWhen leaving the homeUpon entering the homeSupplication when going to the mosqueUpon entering the mosqueUpon leaving the mosqueSupplications related to the athan (the call to prayer)Supplication at the start of the prayer (after takbeer)While bowing in prayer (ruku)Upon rising from the bowing positionSupplication whilst prostrating (sujood)Supplication between the two prostrationsSupplication when prostrating due to recitation of the QuranThe TashahhudPrayers upon the Prophet (saw) after the tashahhudSupplication said after the last tashahhud and before salamRemembrance after salamSupplication for seeking guidance in forming a decision or choosing the proper course...etc (Al-Istikharah)Remembrance said in the morning and eveningRemembrance before sleepingSupplication when turning over during the nightUpon experiencing unrest, fear, apprehensiveness and the like during sleepUpon seeing a good dream or a bad dreamQunoot Al-Witr (dua qunoot)Remembrance immediately after salam of the witr prayerSupplication for anxiety and sorrow (ways to deal with stress)Supplication for one in distressUpon encountering an enemy or those of authoritySupplication for one afflicted with doubt in his faithSettling a debtSupplication for one afflicated by whisperings in prayer or recitationSupplication for one whose affairs have become difficultUpon committing a sinSupplication for expelling the devil and his whisperingsSupplication when stricken with a mishap or overtaken by an affairPlacing children under Allahs protectionWhen visiting the sickExcellence of visiting the sickSupplication of the sick who have renounced all hope of lifeInstruction for the one nearing deathSupplication for one afflicted by a calamityWhen closing the eyes of the deceasedSupplication for the deceased at the funeral prayerSupplication for the advancement of reward during the funeral prayerCondolencePlacing the deceased in the graveAfter burying the deceasedVisiting the gravesPrayer said during a wind stormSupplication upon hearing thunderSupplication for rainSupplication said when it rainsAfter rainfallAsking for clear skiesUpon sighting the crescent moonUpon breaking fastSupplication before eatingUpon completing the mealSupplication of the guest for the hostSupplication said to one offering a drink or to one who intended to do thatSupplication said when breaking fast in someones homeSupplication said by one fasting when presented with food and does not break his fastSupplication said upon seeing the early or premature fruitSupplication said upon sneezingSupplication said to the newlywedProtection from the DajjalHow the prophet (saw) made tasbeeh